domingo, abril 01, 2007

Sobre a natureza humana

Poucas coisas podem ser comparadas com os sentimentos que animam o ser humano. Talvez o adubo seja a melhor comparação. É inegável que a natureza humana, em geral, é uma das coisas mais podres de que temos conhecimento. Fraternidade, caridade, lealdade estão em extinção. Cultivar amizades você pode até fazer, só não espere recebê-las de volta. As pessoas sabem falar em nome da paz, da abnegação, da vontade de mudar o mundo, mas não agem tal qual apregoam. É fácil falar em uma revolução social, difícil é fazer isso acontecer nas nossas relações, na convivência com pessoas próximas. É fácil discursar o que os outros querem ouvir, quero ver falar a verdade, aquilo que passa no íntimo. Estou para ver alguém que fale com verdade sobre seus reais sentimentos e intenções. É comum ver as pessoas ajudam em projetos sociais, em obras de caridade. É louvável. Mas será que essas pessoas fazem bem para quem está próximo? Será que ajudam ou prejudicam quem está ao seu lado? Então caem todas as máscaras. Se você precisa de ajuda, tudo bem, mas se você precisa de ajuda que implique em esforço e abnegação de outros, bom, aí você conte apenas consigo mesmo, não espere o melhor de ninguém, só de si mesmo. É isso aí, no fim das contas, é o amor próprio que prevalece, mesmo que seja à custa do próximo mais próximo.

Sabendo disso, o que fazer? Partir sempre do pressuposto que todos vão te apunhalar pelas costas? Não considerar ninguém como amigo e tratar todos com distância? Agir sempre pensando em si mesmo, sem abnegar nada? Não olhar para nada além do seu objetivo, doa a quem doer? Não sei, mas que pagaria para não ter a necessidade de pensar nisso, mas aí dou de cara com a realidade para me fazer acordar.

92 comentários:

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With the increase in popularity of facebook poker chips as a virtual currency in facebook texas holdem poker game many thieves have engaged themselves, who try their best to trick unsuspecting players out of their hard earned yahoo poker chips. All over the internet forums are littered with posts by innocent people who have had their poker chips stolen. Nothing is as sorry state as logging to Facebook or MySpace to play a few games of poker only to find that someone has already been in your account and your poker chips are gone.[/u][/color]


[color=#cc0000][u]Follow these tips to keep your facebook poker chips safe:

Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a sexy girl in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

Be careful about what you download: Regular online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an advantage on their opponents. Poker is no different and there are plenty of sites on the internet giving free downloads for facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.

Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Phishers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the scammer who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by theif, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

These tips have been brought to you by [/u][/color][url=]Chips Hut[/url][color=#cc0000][u] if you are looking to buy [/u][/color][url=]facebook poker chips[/url], [color=#cc0000][u]you may go to our online store.

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Xbox is an overwhelming Trojan horse.
Having conquered the PC software world, Microsoft now seems intent on sneaking a PC into your living room. But do keep easy - with a front-loading disc tray, two buttons, and four controller ports adorning the face, the monstrous gadget will look at right at home among your other home-theater components.
Xbox looks and acts just like a video game machine--and a state-of-the-art one at that. But with built-in support for high-speed networking, an 60GB hard drive, DVD playback capabilities, and display support for HDTVs, the Xbox does more than just play games.
Xbox offers superior graphics and is the best choice for those who demand the best audio and video performance from a system and have the A/V components, including a surround-sound package, to complement it. Well, maybe a versatile Xbox video converter is needed, too, if you want to put any formats of video or audio files into your Xbox.
Video enthusiasts will appreciate that the Xbox works not only with standard 4:3 TVs but with HDTVs as well. If you have an HD-ready set, you can set the Xbox to output 480p, 720p, and 1,080i signals in either normal or wide-screen (16:9) aspect ratios for your games.
The Xbox is capable of producing 1,080i images, but the games themselves, such as Halo and Dead or Alive 3, haven't been optimized for that high a level yet. Still, the images are crisp and sharp.
A nice complement to this visual horsepower is the fact that the Xbox supports 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound and deliver 256 simultaneous voice channels--previously unheard of in a game system. All of this adds up to some of the richest, most realistic experiences we've yet to see in video games.
Another fringe benefit is the ability to drop audio CDs into the unit and copy songs to the drive. You can then use the console to play your music rather than fumbling for your CDs.
As for Xbox video converter, Xilisoft Xbox Converter is recommended here. The newly released Xbox video converter can convert your regular PC video files (AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP, FLV) to Xbox/Xbox 360 video, as well as convert them to MP3, WMA and WAV music with high conversion speed. Compared with other Xbox video converter and Xbox 360 video converter, Xilisoft Xbox Converter allows you to customize detailed parameters like bit rate, sample rate, channels, video quality, aspect ratio to improve video quality for better playback with Xbox.

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Hack again?!

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Hack again?!

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t Few years ago, UGG appeared in Europe and the United States, but at that time, lots of people who were working in the fashion world called UGG the ugliest shoes in the world, as the UGG boots become famous, UGG Company told us that they have no large-scale advertisement. Let see how UGG boots become so famous. UGG means ugly boots at the beginning, it was made by the wool, and the skill is very sample, so it looks ugly and bulky heavy, but it is very cozy, it just for the surfing enthusiasts, so they did not think about any factor about beauty, when they come out from the water, they worn UGG boots to make them warm and it can blot feet moisture, it can keep your feet dry, then UGG was set up, because of its high quality, UGG is very famous in their field..check the longevity of the site One of the easiest methods to recognize whether cheap UGG you are interested in is made from sheepskin or synthetic materials and fleece is to look online. Many stores selling boots will state their boots are made from sheepskin. If you're shopping in a shoe store or department store, remember to check the boot's tags to see what are the materials listed of the UGG boots. [url=]Ugg clearance[/url] Next, make sure the owner provides genuine images with the item they sell. Third, pay out with bank card to enable you to sustain yourself. Yet, if cost is really an individual's concern, you can find indeed several internet sites featuring top quality Ugg shoe imitations regarding very affordable price tags. Internet in California and was impressed. UGG Boots Sundance II Soon nightfall ugg boots have seen the United States. Australia has been acquired by Deckers Outdoor Corporation (1995). Wenn ein Verbraucher ebenso wie die aussehen angeboten uggs, mchten Sie vielleicht mit Absicht ein paar kaufen Knock-off. In diesem Fall wird voraussichtlich weniger als $ 100 oder EUR 67 zu verbringen. Die Stiefel kann verbindlich Ugg Australia Schuhe hneln, Stiefel aus der Ferne, aber nicht so komfortabel und langlebig oder lang anhaltende und wahrscheinlich auch nicht so fest sure to treat your beloved ugg boots with ugg water [url=]Cheap Ugg Boots[/url] You may hear of Ugg boots. Ugg boots are the warm shoes that can make you comfortable in the sold winter. Ugg boots are now becoming the best and favorite boots for fashionable and beautiful women. Integrated with genuine sheepskin, they are of great comfort. Light and flexible with molded EVA outsole, they are tagged with excellence and quality. Ugg boots have immensely catered to the need of women, men and children. If you want to know how to pair the UGG boots in the winter, there are many tips. You can pay your attention to the big cities, there are a wide range of people wearing variety of boots in all kinds of styles. A pair of lovely UGG snow boots with round circle is one of the member which can always draw everyone's attention.

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